“We all start with an empty cup in our minds – if you don’t fill it up, it’ll get filled up for you – it will get filled up for you with a collective conscious -with what you read, hear and see ... I took that and said WHOA, we gotta guard our mind. You have the capability of being the guardian of your mind – of not being a soldier in your mind’s battle, but of being a general who’s controlling that… ”
Dr Kevin Holman is my local Golden, Colorado-based Chiropractor. He’s engaging, energetic, informed, and articulate - and he gives great adjustments AND education for self-care between visits.
You can learn more about him, and his practice, here: https://www.goldenhealthchiropractic.com/
Dr Holman talks in this episode about scalene stretches- -the neck muscles on the front of our neck, which we tend to tighten/shorten as we look down at our phones… aka, “text neck.” I know I’ve become far more conscious of this, and of doing these stretches, since meeting Dr Holman.
https://www.goldenhealthchiropractic.com/post/basic-neck-stretch — watch this and do these stretches!
Dr Holman also mentioned a book he loves called The Miracle Morning — since he recommended it, I bought a copy and have been reading it AND this week, kicked off my 2-week commitment to doing a MM each morning, from 7am - 8am. It is making a HUGE difference in my days (I’m 2 days in). Highly recommend this book, and this practice!
SPONSOR: The sponsor of this episode is Champion System - aka my good friends in Nebraska — this gear is SO good, so durable, so reliable AND also -awesome. Highly recommend using CS for your custom cycling, running, triathlon apparel - did you know, they offer a FREE crash replacement program?!? That’s right. If you crash and rip your clothing, they’ll replace it for free.