“...what can be a deterrent is, when you look at these marketing pieces, there is nobody that looks like us. At all. Cycling apparel on Instagram feeds- you don’t see any black people, you don’t see any minority groups, period. I think that’s an inaccurate depiction of cycling – I don’t know why there isn’t more representation, but that’s something that motivated me. I’m going to do a photoshoot to show some nice gear and we’ll take shots to give people imagery of two dudes riding bikes- maybe cycling isn’t just for white people, maybe I can do this! It sparks inspiration. They get intrigued. They give it a shot.”
Photo cred: Nick Wilson Photography
Today’s guest is my friend Calvin, aka C-Smith (@seesmith on IG). We met riding bikes down in Scottsdale awhile back, he’s one of those cyclists you gravitate towards in groups— smiling, energetic, friendly, engaging — and I’ve been following along in his cycling adventures and conquests ever since.
A “former hooper, now cyclist,” as he says, it’s clear he has serious athletic talent and excels at anything he puts his mind to. As I began watching his IG posts closely I learned he was trying to send a far more important message than simply, “go fast on your bike” … his message: yes, cycling has black athletes in the sport— we just need to do a far better job showing them in cycling marketing pieces and online campaigns. Calvin decided to do something about it by compiling his own sponsors and photoshoots with friends, to make it more enticing and welcoming; to bring in more cyclists.
His 1/22 post states it best:
“There’s an obvious lack of diversity in cycling. Advertisement plays an important role in this issue. Naturally, people are more inclined to try something new when they see someone, who looks like them, doing or succeeding at something. This equips them with the confidence they need to give it a shot themselves. Fortunately, there are cycling brands and apparel companies that have taken the initiative to highlight blacks and members of other minority groups in their marketing material/apparel look books. My hope is to make a small contribution to this initiative. With the help of @ornotbike — @_nickwilsonphoto , my boy @gc_cake_az and I were able to turn an idea into reality. I want my boys back home, those I used to hoop with and other individuals whom come from similar backgrounds to be confident that they can participate in this sport too. Whether it be on a competitive level or just for casual exercise. Then they can do the same for the people that they know-so on and so forth. With their participation comes more representation.
I’m very humbled and fortunate to be an ambassador for @ornotbike who not only cares about this issue, but was more than willing to support a project like this. #representationmatters”
He is sparking inspiration, indeed. Give him a follow and you’ll see the passion, energy, enthusiasm he exudes. He’s a joy to host on the show, I enjoyed learning even more about him and his life off the bike, and want to share his current fundraising effort here in the hopes you’ll take part:
It’s called 10 for 10 (read more here). He posts, “The goal is simple: Raise $10,000 to buy 10 laptops for 10 kids from underserved communities to help close the Digital Gap. The money that is raised will go directly to The Hidden Genius Project (@hiddengeniuspro) who will purchase these computers to train them on computer technology, software development and entrepreneurship in the growing tech sector.” As of June 24, he updated by saying, “Together, WE, have raised over $6400 on Bonfire (including direct donations that were given to The Hidden Genius Project) and over $5400 on GoFundme! Exceeding our goal!”
You can donate/get involved in his campaign here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/campaign-for-the-hidden-genius-project
Book that Calvin mention as one of his faves: Optimism, by Helen Keller (who doesn’t need more of that these days!?). Find it on bookshop.org or your local bookstore!
Read more about the apparel company that Calvin represents here: OrNot - https://www.ornotbike.com/
SPONSOR OF THIS EPISODE: Champion System cycling apparel. Visit their site at https://champ-sys.com/ and use code MEGAN10 to save 10% off your order!