I credit this woman for changing my physical health and life more than pretty much anyone else I’ve met or worked with. She helped me bring the signals my body was sending me on the inside, outside - she brought the mysteries of what was going on inside of me on a cellular level, into the light and helped me make sense of the things I was feeling, the way I was experiencing my nutrition and my training and my rest, and she helped me overhaul my entire approach to stress management, nutrition, food choices, and more. I can’t preach about Functional Medicine ENOUGH and hope you will ALL use this investigative approach to analyze what is going on inside of you - even if you feel good, use this form of practical medicine to THRIVE in your life!
You can find Dr. Silver Here. And -here is a link to an article I wrote about my experience and lessons I learned.
“we are all often going going going…we are quick to ascribe symptoms to, ‘it’s because I have so much going on,’ or we say, ‘it’s because I’m getting older…’ and I hear that all the time. We know our bodies so well, but we know our bodies so well – so if there is something going on, you want to have it investigated… there is usually is something off. ”
Some of the books I read and mentioned in my intro:
Own the Day Own Your Life, Aubrey Marcus
Bulletproof / HeadStrong books by Dave Asprey
Dr Mark Hyman, What the Heck Do I Eat?
Finding Ultra, Rich Roll
In addition to the morning water + morning walk + and bulletproof coffee routine I adopted from this experience, I also adopted the 5 Minute Journal app in my morning routine.