“I consider myself really lucky and really blessed - to even be on this podcast today. I have this strong desire to get this message out to as many people as possible, and through this experience I’ve had people reach out to me across the country, and if just one person hears this story and can live, I feel like I’ve done the world better.”
Today’s episode is an interview with my friend Walt. Walt and I met through cycling- specifically, bike racing, back in the early 2000s… probably around 2004, when I was living in Kansas City racing bikes in the midwest and he was doing the same. I moved to Denver in 2006 and a few years later Walt and his wife “Mel B” also moved out here and we’ve been riding bikes ever since. Walt takes part in our Lookout Week every June, and if we get our schedules aligned, we usually nab a few other rides together here or there. Last year, Walt and Mel B welcomed Freddie B into the world, he’s the CUTEST little guy.
So yeah - as you’ve probably guessed from the title of this episode, we’re talking about a near-death experience related to heart health… except the catch is this- Walt is HEALTHY. He’s only 40 and he’s been an endurance athlete for the last 20+ years…. cycling, running, skimo …. he’s an exercise fiend. So to say that this problem doesn’t fit the patient, is an under-statement. Hence, our desire to get this message out, in case it does impact you or someone you know. Hopefully this will help you pay closer attention to the subtle warning signs — the signs that Walt tried for a couple years to rationalize away….
Walt also did an article with our friends at 303 Endurance, check that out here:
Related Books- Haywire Heart by Leonard Zinn –Walt hasn’t read the book yet and it may not even apply to his actual situation, but this also points to the glaring absence / rarity of info about this topic out there.
At the end of the day, I’m so glad the stars aligned for Walt to get the care and intervention he needed— there were many opportunities for this to have gone MUCH worse. I’m so thankful he’s been fixed up and is healthy and around to parent that cute new son of his and so stoked to ride LookoutWeek 2020 with him!