“Our mission is to be ‘a place where friends meet’ ... I have a bias towards honing in on a mission, and making sure everything we do aligns with it... We really try to tie back to it and we tell our team all the time -if you’re doing something that doesn’t align with that mission, stop, and talk to us about it... ”
Today’s guests are my friends Cindy & Todd, founders of Launch Colorado. Husband and wife duo, parents who employee their kids in the business, and overall badass hustlers, they launched a coffee shop about a year ago here in Golden - and during this COVID time, they are exploring all options, helping feed our healthcare workers healthy foods and all-around keeping spirits high even when it is a difficult time to be a restauranteur (state rules only allow carry-out, drive-through and delivery these days). Despite all of the apparent setbacks, as you’ll hear, they are upbeat, motivated, focused, and looking ahead towards the future when they can again be the community hub/meeting space/launchpad for your next Colorado adventure.
I find these 2 very inspiring and informative - and just overall infectious when it comes to determination and hard work. Please check out Launch Colorado for takeout, delivery, drive-through or even delivery for some of their bagged coffees and other items if you don’t live in the area. Consider a gift card as well, to show your thanks to someone you love or adore in the Golden area. Visit them here: https://www.launchcolorado.com/ !
Today’s show is sponsored by C3 Bike Shop - now consolidated to one location here in Golden, Colorado. Wade & his team are SUPER Rad - please check them out — AND this show episode contains a hint on how to get 10% off of your next purchase at C3 so LISTEN in for that discount code! And give their entire team a hug from us (when COVID rules say we can hug again!). Find them on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/c3bikeshop .
Here are some photos I took of Launch -of my lovely lunch salad, bags of coffee and plants :