“I’ll carry happy face cookies around with me all the time – when I’m out and about – and their day is totally changed. Who is not going to be happy with a happy faced cookie in their hand?!?”
I met Kristin years ago when I attended a baby shower where someone had ordered custom cookies from Kristin - aka, SugaMeSweet. I was blown away. Normally cookies that cute don’t really taste very good. But no - they were delightful. I reached out to her, and she’s been making and cooking goodies for us to serve at our annual Bike to Work day station ever since … over time, we’ve become friends and I’ve come to really love and appreciate her story… and energy!! For years, she was a paralegal (a litigation-support paralegal, so she was involved in the stressful prep for trial!). She knew always wanted to work with her hands and to eventually own her own business.
Here are the cookies KM was doing during our interview!
So on the side, she began building her cookie business and as it grew, she finally made the leap and started SUGA ME SWEET. Because her goodies are so good and because she’s so pro at her business operation, her business has grown leaps and bounds- surpassing even Kristin’s own expectations and hopes!! It has been so fun to see her business grow and to see her brand evolve, while at the same time, she makes time for the things that bring her joy - like golfing with her partner, Brad, and getting away on fun trips.
So - enjoy this one and definitely, check out Kristin’s Instagram page to see her incredible goodies: