“In those moments where we stand up to what we know is true, we make the biggest strides forward. ”
Guy East founded Hope Sports as a result of his personal life experiences as a professional athlete. Guy is a professional track cyclist who has competed on the US National Team and other professional cycling teams since 2005.
In 2009, at the peak of his career, Guy saw extreme poverty while racing in Mexico City. He began to question his purpose in life and decided to stop racing. He sold all of his possessions and traveled the world to serve the poor.
After two years of working with the poverty-stricken across the globe, Guy decided to return to professional racing, combining his desire to compete and his passion to help those in need. Hope Sports grew out of Guy’s vision to see professional athletes live with greater purpose and a heart of service.
I joined Guy and Hope Sports on a build last December, 2017, and it changed my life. It prompted my 2018 goals of #yearofnoshopping and #10000dollarstohopesports . It's changed my entire view of the possessions in my life - and how I want to spend my time helping others, rather than working more to afford to buy "more stuff."
I am proud to say that we have, in fact, contributed the $10,000 to the home build scheduled for December 27-30, 2018, and I invite you - dear listener -to join us! Because we have covered the home material costs, you need only cover your room/board/transport ($549) and then your airfare to/from San Diego.
We ask that if you want to take part in my home build/the lower registration price, you please sign up by OCTOBER 1, 2018. A huge thanks to my relative Bob Hottman and his firm, EKS&H, for contributing to our home sponsorship!
The discount code for my group is HOTTMAN… (if you use that code you receive a discount of $741 to bring the total per person to $549).
“I recommend, “Power of Full Engagement” by Jim Loehr And “The Only way to Win” by the same author ”
PLEASE feel free to invite others to join you on this adventure!