Ok yes…Full Disclaimer: I am related to these two amazing women -aka - The Hottman Sisters. But even if they were strangers, I’d find them immensely inspiring. Talk about chasing your dream, and going for it - NO REGRETS! These three truly have a vision and they are putting everything into their dream - how many of us can say we have gone ALL in on our dream??
Check them out (buy some merch!) and visit their new website here: https://thehottmansisters.com/
PC: Carley Scott Fields
The Hottman Sisters - FIRE - !
“...at the end of the day, I think about ok -what would I truly regret? I would truly regret not doing the thing. Because at least if I did the thing, I’d have something to say about it. There’s always time to make that change. There is time to go back to doing what you were originally doing – but at least you tried it. It’s how you define that, and how you define failure. Don’t be afraid to fail.”
Pc: Carley Scott Fields
“We’re doing what we love, full time. I mean, nothing really beats that. I mean, if you can get to that point, that is a really cool thing. It’s been a long time in the making… ”