“I have that level of intensity around playing this game of business...at the same time, I don’t want to suffer from it. I wondered, how can I stay at this level of ambition without suffering from it -without feeling like I wasn’t far enough along? ...now, I know it’s possible. That duality can exist in harmony. ”
This week’s guest is a FORCE. He’s the type of person I LOVE being around because of the way his energy radiates- it’s contagious, it energizes me and pumps me up and every time I talk to him, I learn more of his story and become even more inspired.
I present my friend and fellow entrepreneur, Andy Seth. I wish we could’ve talked for hours. SO much goodness here.
Most recently, I saw Andy in person at his book launch party (pre-COVID, and feels like ages ago!)…. his book, BLING, was newly-published, along with his accompanying playlist, and — no surprise — the book went to the top on Amazon and the party where he released it and the playlist was OFF THE HOOK. The party was RAD and there was a magical moment when his daughter referenced some of his song lyrics when she asked Andy for the mic… priceless. Magic.
The book is inspiring, as is-the play list… as is Andy’s story.
Learn more about him here: https://www.andyseth.com/
Learn about his business FLOW here: https://feelmeflow.com/about-us/andy/
Learn about his book (and order it) here: https://www.andyseth.com/bling/
Listen to his playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/album/1xiOOKOK5ht9uCPQmiXTHe
(and more here: https://303magazine.com/2020/02/local-listen-86/)
During my intro of this episode, I mention EO — the organization through which I met Andy (and many of our other business-owner guests on this show). If you are a business owner, I HIGHLY recommend you check out EO Accelerator and/or EO…. it’s a global organization and I cannot say enough about how it’s helped me in business and in life — and how addicting it is to be around fellow entrepreneurs (crazy risk-takers like me!)…. Learn more about EO here: https://www.eonetwork.org/
SPONSOR: Wild Zora (friends from EO, actually!): organic meat & veggie bars, as well as amazing oatmeal for on-the-go …. and more! Check them out here (and listen to this episode/intro for the discount code you can use to save some money!).