“...you can play it safe and stay at home, and wear your seat belt and your helmet and your safety vest at all times, and that’s great, but you’re missing out on a lot of excitement in life, and excitement is a good thing. Excitement is a thrill, it’s fun, it’s something you can share with others and inspire others to partake in and see their joy when they experience that.”
Scott is such an inspiration to me. We met when he hired me as his lawyer to assist him with his case (he was hit by a car while riding his bike and was severely injured). Now that his case is closed and behind us, we’ve become friends and I’ve been following along with his adventures ever since. And it struck me -of ALL the people who would be justified in sitting home and playing safe, it would be Scott. And yet -he’s gone the OTHER direction.
PS -I am so EXCITED to have Scott and Patrice join us in December on the Hope Sports home build - Dec 27-30, 2018!
Scott talks about the Ride of Silence and some other events which we wanted to share with our listeners here in detail:
The Ride of Silence… Historically it’s held on the evening of the 3rd Wednesday in May, with the following Saturday being the alternate in case of bad weather, etc. I learned about it through Deborah Maresca. She organizes a ride called the Mountain Top Experience Ride every year, which takes place near Cripple Creek. I rode the 75-mile route a few years back, and she contacted me directly to invite me to do it again this year. When I had to decline (and told her why), she invited me to ride in the Ride of Silence instead, and to be a speaker at the rally after the ride. You know the rest, having prepped me for that speaking engagement. We took the tandem recumbent trike AND the dogs and did the ride. It’s just a 3.5 mile route, and the dogs did great. Deborah had never had anyone bring dogs on the ride before, and was very pleased with how they did.
Ride of Silence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ride_of_Silence
Mountain Top Experience Ride: https://mountaintopcyclingclub.com/experience-ride/
A quick summary of Scott and Patrice’s experiences since his crash on 9/21/2017:
1. 7 day Caribbean cruise including snorkeling in several locations, in December
2. 10 day trip to Peru in April, including a HAIRY hike up Huayna Picchu which overlooks Machu Picchu
3. Paragliding off Lookout Mountain
4. Ridden my bicycle over 1,000 miles, including the Pedal 4 Possible ride benefitting Craig Hospital patients