Today’s guest is my coach and an all-round badass, Shelley Paxton. Powerhouse- published author- coach- rebel… she’s amazing. And I can’t wait to deliver her energy and wisdom to your ear drums! Learn more about Shelley here:
First things first —you MUST read her book — this is what kicked it all off for me and I think you’ll find it powerfully inspiring and intriguing. Find it on at:
“I believe there’s a reset for a reason right now. Use this time to audit all aspects of your life. Maybe it’s the thing you’ve been pretending not to know.... ”
Second — hear her out on this show, as she challenges us to set new goals and make this time of COVID a launchpad for new and rebellious ways to approach work, life, and just BEING.
Finally - Check out the online course she mentions:, yes that’s right it’s the TOP-ranked course at YALE! Since we recorded this episode, I started the course and am on week 6 now. I cannot wait to get my first YALE Course under my belt ;). Kidding — I am learning a LOT and love and appreciate the science and psychology behind the science of happiness. This has re-ignited my love of learning and kicked off me diving headfirst into learning PhotoShop and then… signing up to take the Real Estate Exam to get my real estate license here in Colorado ! (Shout out to my friends at American Dream Real Estate school in Arvada CO: ).
She also recommends the following books (again—order them on and support local bookstores!) :
Untamed (ordered, reading next!)
A Beautiful Constraint (ordered, reading next!)
Essentialism (reading now — LOVING it).
SPONSOR: This episode is sponsored by my friends over at Wild Zora: — I LOVE these products, and they’re made here in Colorado up in Loveland. Listen in on this show for a discount code to save you money on your next order!
Finally — in my intro, I mention some photos I took on my bike ride on the day that this episode was recorded and wanted to share a few of those here: