Cat is so inspiring and knowledgable. I could talk to her about food and diet and cooking and nutrients all day. We went long here, so we broke her episode into 2 parts — enjoy! Check out Cat on instagram and contact her that way if you want to chat more about your nutrition strategy -she’d love to hear from you!
Also -check out her website The Nutrition Watchdog!
“.... what we put in our bodies and what we surround ourselves with, has a huge huge effect on ourselves, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And if we pay attention to what we are putting into our bodies and what we are doing to our bodies… you can optimize yourself physically, mentally, emotionally in every day if you do it and if you pay attention.”
“...the scary thing about sugar is that it is extremely addictive; it is as addictive or more addictive than cocaine. ”
“Books I wrote -and recommend ...
The Fat Burning Kitchen and 101 Foods that Fight Aging”