“I want to leave my mark ... I’ve always wanted to leave my mark to change the world. As I’ve gotten older and more mature, I realize the overall world doesn’t care much about me. It will soon forget me. My biggest achievements and successes will probably be the deep impact I can make on a small number of real people around me that I deeply care about. Strive to pour out your life into the people that you can. The time we spend, the effort we make to communicate our love to one another and not leave it unsaid. And to not undervalue the people I’m already closest to… to stop chasing after the masses and forgetting about the people who actually will remember me and care.”
Nate offers to be available to connect with our listeners; you can find him at church, at Orchard Bible Church: https://www.orchardbible.org/sermons/preacher/u/7/nate-ayres
Here is the blogpost I referred to: http://www.hottmanlawoffice.com/blog/2018/2/18/cycling-deaths-i-have-something-i-need-to-say
Here is the website of the lawyer I recommended for estate/will planning: https://stmlawfirm.com/broomfield-attorneys/timothy-j-schafer/
Want to start exploring some of the estate topics? Check out STM’s Forms here and consider filling one out: https://stmlawfirm.com/forms/
TheBuriedLife on Instagram -check them out here: https://www.instagram.com/theburiedlife/?hl=en