“I decided I would do some research on the word on Femicide… . I suddenly realized that there’s this thing out there that I should have been more aware of, and it’s a massive problem in this country …. Far greater in this country than in most, and in the wealthiest countries, we are the worst; 70% of the cases occur in the US. The statistics are alarming … since then, what has been most alarming for me, in my personal community, is the number of women that have contacted me, who have shared their stories of violence or losses within their family… it’s just alarming ...so I think if we look around, it’s there. And it’s ugly. ”
Today’s guest is a new friend I met - no surprise- through bikes! I had the good fortune of parking next to Gavin at a mountain bike stage race back in March and thanks to the ‘gram & Strava, we connected and stayed in touch… Fast forward a few months and I noticed some content he was posting regarding a very difficult topic to conceive of— femicide.
While we talk about the bike’s transformative role in Gavin’s life (since that is a through-line of most of my guests’ stories, and my lifelong love affair, after all), we pivot quite quickly to a far more serious topic that is really on Gavin’s heart right now to discuss and bring out into the light: Femicide.
I admire Gavin for raising awareness of this topic both for me and for others in his social circles, and for being willing to have the hard conversations… after all, that is what allows things like femicide to not only exist but persist. Talking about it feels like a good first step for those of us just becoming aware of this global and catastrophic issue. We don’t need to be an “expert” in a topic to be able to bring it up and have candid talks about it. Arguably the worst thing we can do with topics like this is ignore them or brush them off as “inapplicable” to our lives.
Thanks, Gavin, for shining a light on a discussion we all need to be having. I hope this encourages you to do some research or to have some conversations with people in your life the way Gavin has with people in his life.
“Femicide is generally understood to involve intentional murder of women because they are women, but broader definitions include any killings of women or girls.”
“Intimate partner violence is one of the most common forms of violence against women and includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and controlling behaviours by an intimate partner.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) occurs in all settings and among all socioeconomic, religious and cultural groups. The overwhelming global burden of IPV is borne by women.
Although women can be violent in relationships with men, often in self-defence, and violence sometimes occurs in same-sex partnerships, the most common perpetrators of violence against women are male intimate partners or ex-partners. By contrast, men are far more likely to experience violent acts by strangers or acquaintances than by someone close to them.”
Thank you thank you thank you to our newest sponsor, Gavin Payne, of Haven Properties— with his support, we’ve brought this podcast back to life! If you enjoyed this episode, please give his website or LinkedIn page a visit (and a like or follow!).
AND - His LINKED IN PAGE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavin-payne-a8359a159/
And as always— a HUGE thanks to Stu and his team at RELISH STUDIO for editing and producing this podcast for me since we began back in 2018!
Please give THEM a visit online or a follow on LinkedIn and/or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/relishcolorado
Here is the radio show Gavin refers to, Carrie and Tommy, and the specific episode related to this topic: