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Ep.83: Adam Mills, Source Endurance Coaching

 “Coaches are so much more than just a program. It’s someone that listens, someone that has been there (oftentimes) and they can drawn on both academia and peer reviewed studies, and also from our experience and what we know works, like evidence -based practices…

— Adam Mills

Hey listeners, please meet my friend and cycling coach, Adam Mills! We’ve known each other for over 20 years, from the early 2000s, when he first began his cycling coaching career as an intern at Carmichael Training Systems and I first began my cycling-racing career. Through the years we’ve stayed in touch as fellow bike racers, fellow midwest-raised folks, our mutual respect for one another as we’ve both evolved and grown has always been present, and now I’m once again fortunate to call him my coach. After spinning my wheels the last few years through injuries and self-coaching, I am back under his “supervision” and I benefit tremendously from his oversight, his experience and his willingness to teach me what I don’t know, but need to know ;)

Tune in to this episode as we talk about what’s on the cutting edge forefront of cycling coaching, performance, fitness, technology and of course, AI! Adam is also a dad, husband, business owner, bike racer and so many more things as well. He’s a very interesting and knowledgable human and I really enjoy learning from him.

If you have follow-up questions for Adam, please visit his website and reach out to get answers.

From his coaching website Source Endurance:

“Adam Mills, MSED, RCEP — Adam earned his Bachelor’s in Exercise Science at the University of Kansas in 2003 and immediately began his career at Carmichael Training Systems as a cycling coach. He returned to the University of Kansas, completing his Master’s in Clinical Exercise Physiology in 2005. During his graduate studies, Adam was a regular on the Dean’s List, and a recipient of multiple academic scholarships. During his studies, Adam discovered his passion for both coaching cycling and competition, which quickly led him to the elite ranks of cycling. Adam has competed with top ranked amateur and collegiate cycling clubs since 2001. Adam has competed in international competition, countless NRC races, innumerable elite races, and national championships in many different disciplines of the sport.

Adam’s true talent comes as a cycling coach with his ability to combine his vast experience with his knowledge of sport. He is indeed a student of science, sport, athletic performance, strategy, and tactics, continually educating himself by keeping up to date with current trends and methods in sport. Adam is able to incorporate these attributes to help his clients reach and exceed their goals.  Adam's clients have earned 25 national championships in 11 disciplines on two continents. He truly feels a sense of pride when his clients realize their potential.

Adam currently lives in San Diego, CA and works with clients targeting; gravel/ mixed surface, all road, rally, endurance/ enduro, mountain biking, road racing, criterium (crits), time trials and cyclocross.”


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